Sample Work
Here you can find some sample works from the classes I take through the Public Leadership Scholars program. I have decided to highlight an essay I wrote for PLCY201: Public Leaders and Active Citizens, as well as two reflections from CPPL100: First Year Fall Colloquium. Below you will find these works linked, as well as a brief description of the assignment.

John C. Maxwell
"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way."
I was incredibly proud of this paper. We were given very limited guidelines (we had one case study, no outside sources), yet I was still able use it to produce a convincing argument. Not only do I think this essay highlights my writing abilities well, but I was especially proud of my rebuttal paragraph. I originally had some trouble weaving the class readings into my essay, but I was very pleased with the final product.
I struggled to pick which reflection I wanted to include in the portfolio. I opted to go with my Reflected Self Portrait because I struggled with this assignment a bit. It is challenging for me to have to write about myself, particularly about my strengths. It took me a decent amount of time to start this assignment- I was really struggling with thinking of three anecdotes that encapsulated my best self.
This assignment was challenging for me- I had to reflect on a weakness of mine and create an action plan on how to combat it. It was not only a struggle to pick a weakness, but I had trouble coming up with an action plan with tangible steps and goals.
In this reflection, I reflected on my first semester of college as a whole, as well as my experience in CPPL100. I discussed how my definition of leadership has changed as a result of colloquium.
This is the essay I discuss in "My Scholars Experience". It is my midterm paper from CPPL200.