Hi! My name is Rebecca Navarro, and I am a Math and Public Policy double major at the University of Maryland: College Park. At UMD, I am a part of the Public Leadership Scholars Program, a two-year living and learning program that provides an academic challenge as well as a community of like-minded students. Through the Public Leadership program, I have learned various theories of leadership, effective negotiation, and the necessary skills to work in and lead a team. Even though I am only one semester into the Public Leadership program, I have already experienced this tight-nit sense of community, and I hope I am able to utilize this throughout my four years. I have a wide range of academic interests (hence the double major in Math and Public Policy), and I am looking forward to discovering them further at UMD and in the Public Leadership program! Over the next four years, I hope to take risks, both academically and socially. There are so many great opportunities to take advantage of, and I know they can help me discover my passions. I am also hoping to gain some working experience, whether it be through a paid job on campus or through an internship, and become more prepared for my first professional job!